You’re an Energizer

You’re friendly and talkative and love connecting with people. Your warm energy can be contagious, which makes you lots of fun to be around.

You’re well-rounded with a healthy attitude to life. Your passion and enthusiasm mean you thrive on new experiences and ideas. You value original thought and have a strong appreciation for arts and culture. Variety is definitely the spice of your life.

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It’s all about you …

You’re a natural achiever, which is no surprise with your positive mental attitude. Right now, things are working out well for you and everything seems to be clicking into place!


Sometimes you could do with more help around the home. It’s not surprising that things get on top of you now and again. Don’t be hard on yourself. You’re doing a great job.

You can be busy and constantly on the go. For you, it’s important to find time to listen to your inner voice. Broaden your horizons so you don’t stagnate, but also try to make sure you leave some gaps in your busy schedule to recharge those batteries. It’s easy for you to fly from one full-on activity to another without any downtime. But it’s in the quieter moments that we really get to know ourselves. Make sure the pace doesn’t stop you from having honest moments of contemplation.

For a lively people person like you, it’s especially important to balance the “up” times with some quiet and reflective downtime. You can’t expect yourself to run on all cylinders 100 per cent of the time. The value of quiet time to meditate on your deepest hopes and desires really can’t be underestimated.


You’re quite satisfied that you get things done during your day, but are you reaching your full potential?


Putting the effort in isn’t a problem for you, and when you’re having a good day you feel energised and excited, but you might need to allow some time for developing your skills to help you to be more successful.

You enjoy working with others. Your up-front approach means that you make a big impact on any situation. It’s good that you tend to develop a strong vision, and you are passionate about sharing it, but to make it a reality you need to be comfortable allowing others to make adjustments. You may have to give people time to make their contributions, so don’t assume one conversation is the end of it.

Think about where you are channeling your effort. If you focus it all on tasks that you’re not completely comfortable with then you could create unnecessary stress. Take some time to stop and think about the rewards you will gain from managing your time. You need to be able to see the big picture, but you can have a tendency to get carried away with an idea without examining all the facts. Push yourself a bit by being more rigorous, make sure you’ve really investigated things before you get too involved.

When you aren’t in a position to use all of your talents it’s not always easy to hold interest, but you are pretty good at staying on task, and that will help you develop new skills. Life is reasonably comfortable for you, but if you concentrate and get the less familiar tasks completed sooner you’ll really be on a roll.


Mornings may not be your favourite time of day. They can be very hectic and it probably feels like you’re always running late. Remember to take a moment to focus your energy, so that you’re well prepared to face the day ahead.


When you have some downtime, the only effort you want to make is lifting a finger to turn on the TV, or grab some popcorn. Crashing on the sofa with a couple of friends is the perfect way to give your body a rest while entertaining your mind. Just make sure to get up and stretch your legs once in a while!

Woulda Coulda Shoulda just isn’t in your vocabulary. You’ve learnt that if you want to feel great, you need to take the positive steps yourself. It’s all about valuing yourself enough to take the time to do what’s best for you and your body.
The real key is keeping your energy balanced – no sugar highs or caffeine crashes for you. It’s all about having a twinkle in your eye and remembering to embrace every minute of the day.


You would like to be able to share your spiritual side with a new partner. Feeling at peace with the world comes naturally when you’re traveling life’s path with your soul-mate.


You really value some quiet one-on-one time. It’s important to take time out of life’s bustle to tune into what other people want.

You’re a deeply passionate person and will go to extreme lengths for love. You’re naturally open and find it easy to make connections. It’s all about intuition and chemistry and being swept off your feet. Love means opening yourself up to intense experiences that you’ll remember for the rest of your life. You are expressive and sensual, so making a strong physical connection is important to you. Sometimes it feels really good to lose yourself in the moment. There’s nothing like being in love to put a smile on your face, butterflies in your tummy and a spring in your step. So, what tips can we give you?

  1. Be natural, you’re great the way you are and will be loved for it.
  2. Say it loud and clear. Big romantic gestures are all part of the package for you. If you’re in love, you want the whole world to know it so don’t be afraid to shout it from the rooftops!
  3. Saying that, you need to be aware of your partner’s feelings. If they aren’t as passionate as you, they may need the relationship to develop gradually. Gauging a loved one or potential partners’ emotions is key, but equally your passion shouldn’t be stifled.

Your drive and motivation mean you know what you want out of life and you’re not afraid to go for it. You definitely have a taste for the finer things, but you know they’re not easy to come by. Focused and determined, you have the ambition to achieve your vision. Just make sure you take time to admire the view, rather than heading as fast as you can to your destination.


It’s still important to keep clued up about the wider world, so you’re prepared to deal with any changes to your circumstances that are beyond your control.Nothing is going to hold you back from getting out there and making the most of things – new experiences are always worth the expense.

You like things sleek, fast, and new. When it comes to tech, you’d love to be able to upgrade to the latest models as soon as they’re available, whatever the cost.

You have a taste for the finer things in life. You can’t beat waking up to blue skies, bird song and sunshine. Creature comforts are still important though – you can’t really be expected to completely rough it. Just make sure you have enough money in the pot so you don’t have to!



Your inquisitive mind means you have an irresistible urge to experiment with everything around you. You like to keep at least one finger on the pulse of everything that’s hot and happening, particularly when it comes to the coolest technologies and gadgets. There’s no chance of you ever getting bored thanks to your curious side, and you love finding that shiny new device that’s going to revolutionize your life.


For you, there’s nothing quite like settling in for an evening of action packed game playing. Whether it’s alone or with a group of mates you love relaxing with your favorite video game or one of the hot new releases.

Patience is a virtue, but it’s also a great warning system. If you’ve been battling away at the same chapter of a novel for a month, try a short story.  If you don’t think you have the perseverance to paint a portrait, try photography.

Find the thing that drives you more than anything else and pursue that.  And if your passion is short lived, then accept when it’s over and move on to something new. Your only obligation is to yourself.

Even with the best of intentions, life has a way of getting in the way. But if something is truly important, we always come back to it. Keep the window open, and inspiration will fly through when it’s ready.

You like to be surprised, challenged, and sometimes even scared out of your comfort zone. The more thrills the better, that’s your motto.